Friday, October 17, 2008


Textbook: Mathematics Form 3
Publisher: Ebiza Sdn Bhd
Writers: Yoong Kwee Soon, Ding Hong Eng, Noorliah & Lai Jun Siew


The meaning of textbook is a book used in schools or colleges for the formal study of a subject.

The secondary school Mathematics curriculum as outlined in the syllabus has been designed to provide opportunities for pupils to acquire mathematical knowledge and skills and develop the higher order problem solving and decision making skills that they can apply in their everyday lives. But, more importantly, together with the other subjects in the secondary school curriculum, the mathematics curriculum seeks to inculcate noble values and love for the nation towards the final aim of developing the wholistic person who is capable of contributing to the
harmony and prosperity of the nation and its people.


This textbook provides a useful table of contents which includes the number of chapter which includes the number of chapter which is about 15 chapters and along with the subtopic for each topic. It also contains a useful glossary which contains the mathematical term along with its meaning and also contains a useful index.
The tables of contents in this textbook show a logical arrangement and development of subject. Because the topics are being arrange according to its stage from easy to hard phase and have a good development of subject.
The appearance and content layout throughout the textbook as well as within each chapter in this textbook is uniform and consistent. This textbook also contain reference but it do not provide bibliographic, along with this book they also provide the resource from the internet where the student can find information via the internet which is more straightforward.
The chapters also provide a clear and comprehensive introductions and summaries and it also provide learning objective which allow student to know the objective of that chapters and the summary is being provide with a complete explanation which contain summarize facts, definition and formulae which student have learned that can make student understand better.
The pages in this book all being numbered, and it make the student easy to find the information, if not it will make them a little bit confusing because it will make hard for them to find the information


The content of this textbook meet the local and national standard. This textbook contain accurate and up-to date content, because this textbook is written strictly based on the curriculum specification laid down by the Curriculum Development Centre of the Ministry of Education Malaysia. The content of this textbook is not supported by other textbooks that student have or will use because the content is complete overall.
The language use in this textbook is appropriate for the intended age, because it is clear and the student will able to understand easily and it being provide with high grammatically correct. This textbook contain age appropriate reading level where it sentences, terms and form are being fix with the student in this age.
This book provide end-of-lesson question which is the summative exercise where it is an evaluation exercise for the students at the end of each chapter and it also provide quizzes which is in the form of check your understanding quizzes of the respective chapter. The lesson in this textbook is link also with other subject areas such as in financial problem, chemistry, biology and etc.
The activities contain in this textbook can lead the student in active learning. For example such activities like exploring mathematics which is an enquiry-discovery approach used to developed student’s mathematical skills. Then is group discussion which is a student-centered cooperative learning approach used to developed student’s mathematical skills. They also appealing to a wide range of abilities and interest, one of abilities is using technology where it expose students to the use of scientific calculator to obtain or to check answers.
The lesson in this textbook encourage higher level thinking among the student because it containing features for example exploring mathematics which is an enquiry-discovery approach used to developed student’s mathematical skills. Then is explore the net features which provide other avenues for enrichment through ICT. Besides is let’s thinks featured which provokes critical thinking and poses problems for students to solve.
This textbook can be used for several years because the content is appropriate since great care has been taken by the authors of this textbook to comply with the sequence of learning objectives and learning outcome as stated in the curriculum specifications


The size and weight of this textbook is appropriate for students who will use it, where its size is only 20X18 cm and weight about 500g, so the student easily can hold it or bring it anywhere. The font and style is standard and appropriate for the age of the holders of this textbook. The illustrations, table, figures, graph, charts, etc in this textbook provide appropriate representations of age, ethnicity, sex, socioeconomic level, and physical/mental ability. So it is overall fix with all this criteria which is appropriate for the students.
All the illustrations, table, figures, graph, chart, etc in this textbook are relevant and functional because this textbook had undergone due processes in publication to ensure quality is maintained before approval for use is given by the Ministry. Because of that all the content in this textbook had undergone to check it’s relevant and functional before it being stated.
The binding, pages and cover are durable because it uses the high quality paper to construct this. This textbook will appeal to the students because it is good in physical condition, content and organization and also contain a lot of key features that can rise the student interest. The page layout in this textbook is uncluttered and balanced because it do not look like messy that can make confusion
In conclusion, i think this textbook has a good performance in order to be a reference to the student because it has good organization, content and physical aspect for the student.